Thursday, October 15, 2009

Best week ever feat. Hani Shamat

So this week, three of the best people i have ever known came to visit me in Arizona. Kevin Horn, Sebatian Zeck, and Peter Edge came. So far its been nothing but non stop epicness and fun. This picture was taken on our second night here. We met up with our mutual friend Michelle who goes to ASU as well, shes tight. Anywho we all sat around and chatted and conversed, it was boss. Basically ive been having the time of my life with these dudes.

One of the downsides to having all of these dudes here is the sleeping arrangement. its like a can of sardines, there is quite literally no room floor, and i wouldn't have it any other way, every night is entertaining. Arizona has been popping off hard with these dudes here. Its been too perfect, love these dudes.

Like always i gotta interview one of my homies, this week it is my homies hani shamat, dude is really really real. luckily for me i got to pop him a few questions the other day.

So lets get formalities out of the way what is your name, and where are you from?
Hani “50 Cent” Jackson
and I’m from Compton, MN (st. paul)

So now you’re a cheese head, how you liking it so far?
im likin it. people are super nice and the city (Appleton) is pretty cool. I went skating one day at 9 AM and met a bum in a park, sat down with him for an hour and he gave me a beer and we talked about his problems with women. No joke, he lived in the woods by the park. But even though I moved to Wisconsin, im not a packers fan…in fact, I still hate football just as much as I always have.

So I happened to have skateboarded with you for a long time, so I love skating with you so let me question you, would you rather skate the park by your house, or a cement skate plaza and explain why?

Well…the park by my house sucks….and a cement plaza would be perfect…….but I totally did my first back tail at the park, so im going to have to skate there.

Battle front one or two, and why?
1 no question. It was fun. They tried too damn hard in battlefront 2. with 1 there was just explosions everywhere and crazy shit happening all the time...better maps, and bigger explosions. 2 was shit…except I like space battles.

Who is the baddest ass mofucka in star wars?
so hard. Mace windu just cause he’s Samuel L jacskon. I HAVE HAD IT WITH THESE MOTHERFUCKIN BANTHAS ON THIS MOTHERFUCKIN DEATHSTAR. Uhhhh I gotta go with vader. Nobody beats vader.

Whats shoes have you worn for the longest time and what were they?
hmmm…DVSessses. I really like dvsesess. I don’t remember what shoe specifically though. I make all my shit last. My shoes right now are on like month 4.

Whats the best shittiest, most hyphy rap you’ve listened to?
Oh man…Yung Joc- hear me comin

If I handed you a nintedo 64, and one game, what game would you choose?
ROAD RASH 64!!!!

After living and skating in the twin cities for as long as I’ve known you, you still don’t know how to get to government plaza, how did this happen?
I mean, you’d totally think I didn’t intern there for a month or something…

Hani, you are true motherfucking g, you’ve kept it more real than anyone else I know. You do your own thing every day, so where does hani shamat see himself in ten years?
in ur mom.

No but seriously, fuckin bitches, gettin money.

So Hani, that interview was one of the funnier ones i've read, it was epic. So as we come to an end, SHOUT OUT TO BRIAN FITZPATRICK FOR KEEPING IT REAL IN IRELAND. Also everyone should listen to the album funeral by the arcade fire, kinda of a oldie, but re listened to it the other day, and it is perfect, so give it a listen. And all the people out there reading keep the bitch out of your blood, peace out.

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